Hockey Course for Beginners 2016 (Po Tsui Park)
對象: 歡迎16歲或以上人士參加
Age Group: 16 years old or above
班別 |
日期 |
星期 |
時間 |
地點 |
費用 |
名額 |
截止日期Deadline |
I |
7, 21, 28 May 2016 4, 11 June 2016 |
六 |
20:00 – 21:30 |
寶翠公園 |
額滿即止 |
報名辦法: 請填妥報名表格(報名表可自行複印) ,連同報名費(請以支票付款,擡頭請寫 “The Hong Kong Hockey Association”,支票背後須寫上參加者姓名及班別,請勿郵寄現金); 寄回:九龍衛理道二至六號,京士柏曲棍球場,行政大樓一樓,香港曲棍球總會 (鍾先生) 收。
Enrolment: Please complete the application form and send it with a cheque (payable to “The Hong Kong Hockey Association), with your name and class on the back; to: The Hong Kong Hockey Association (Attention: Mr. Arthur Chung), 1/F, Administration Block, King’s Park Hockey Ground, 6 Wylie Road, Kowloon.
For any enquiry please contact The Hong Kong Hockey Association at 2782 4932.