HKHAMS 21-22 Circular No. 19 - AGM and Prize Presentation Notice 2022
(Draft) HKHAMS General Bye-laws 11 June 2022
Comparison - HKHAMS General Bye-laws 18 Jun 2018 vs 11 June 2022 Draft
To: Men's Club Convenors
Cc: HKHAMS Committee
HKHA Council Members
HKHA Sections’ Committee
Dear Club Convenors,
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) and prize presentation of Winter League 21/22 of the Hong Kong Hockey Association Men’s Section (HKHAMS) will be held on Friday, 24th June 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at Fincher room, Kowloon Cricket Club (10 Cox’s Road, Kowloon). Attached please find the meeting notice, agenda for the meeting, attendance form for your reference. HKHAMS will also call for nominations for the following posts:
- Chairman
- Honorary Secretary
- Honorary Treasurer
- Committee Members (Four)
The nomination on the attached specified Nomination Form, must be received by the HKHA office no later than Friday, 17th June 2022. Valid nominations must be proposed and seconded by duly authorized officials of the affiliated clubs and agreed to by the nominee. Late nominations will not be considered.
This is to remind that all Committee members should have attended at least sixty percent (60%) of the HKHAMS Committee meetings during their term of office to stand for re-election.
Due to the capacity constraints of the venue (max 50), each affiliated club can nominate ONE authorized representative to attend the AGM and vote on behalf of his club. Champions of each division can submit up to three (3) names as authorized representatives. However, only one (1) has the power to vote. The authorized representative, so permitted to vote, shall personally sign the attendance register at the AGM. Please complete and submit the enclosed Attendance Form, which should reach the HKHA office no later than Friday, 17th June 2022.
Convenor of affiliated clubs may submit to the Hon. Secretary of HKHAMS notice of any other business to be considered in the MS AGM. Such notice should be in writing and shall be received by the HKHA office no later than Friday, 17th June 2022.
Affiliated Clubs are further reminded that the entitlement to vote at the AGM may be withdrawn if they have not settled all the outstanding fines and debts with the HKHAMS by Friday, 17th June 2022.
Please note that clubs with outstanding fees may also lose the entitlement to vote at the HKHA Council Annual General Meeting.
Should you have any question, please feel free to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Francis Ho