Circular 2024-2025
- HockeyHK 24-25 Circular no. 1 - Use of HKSAR Flag or Emblem and Participation in Overseas Events
- HockeyHK 24-25 Circular no. 2 - Hockey Skills Enhancement Course (Oct - Mid Nov 2024)
- HockeyHK 24-25 Circular no. 3 - National Youth Hockey5s Camp & FIH World Youth Hockey5 Camp&Festival
- HockeyHK 24-25 Circular no. 4 - Arrangement of SSSC Matches in Men's League 2024-2025
- HockeyHK 24-25 Circular no. 5 - 13th HKQHT & 8th WHIT - Recruitment of Voluntary Workforce
- HockeyHK 24-25 Circular no. 6 - Update on FIH Regulations regarding Mandatory Wearing of Face Mask
- HockeyHK 24-25 Circular no. 7 - Temp. Suspension of SSSC from Participating in HockeyHK Activities
- HockeyHK 24-25 Circular no. 8 - 13th HKQHT and 8th WHIT (7-9 March 2025)