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HockeyHKWS 24-25 Circular No. 17 - U12 Training Academy (Q4 2024)

Attachment: HockeyHKWS U12 Training Academy (Q4 2024) - Waiver Form


Dear Convenors,


HockeyHKWS is excited to announce the opening of the new season of the U12 Training Academy (Q4 2024).  In order to ensure inclusivity of young players aged 8-12 from diverse backgrounds, we welcome all young players without the need for trials.


Dates: Every Monday and Friday from 14 October to 30 December 2024 (Re-registration will be needed for each quarter)

Time: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Venue: Happy Valley Recreation Ground Pitch no.11

Quarterly Fee (October-December): HK$375



Age: Girls aged 8-12 (born between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2016)

Equipment: Mouth guard and shin pads are required. Participants should bring their own hockey sticks.



Deadline: Complete the online registration form and waiver form by 9 October, 2024.

Payment: The quarterly fee shall be settled to HSBC 658-117643-838 (Hockey Hong Kong, China) and upload the payment slip to the registration form.

Note: Players without a signed waiver will not be allowed to join the trainings.

Registration Form:


We believe in nurturing talent and providing a platform for all children to experience the joy of hockey. We look forward to seeing your child on the field!



HockeyHKWS - U12訓練課程 (Q4 2024)


HockeyHKWS( 中國香港曲棍球總會女子組)很高興宣布 2024/25 賽季的 U12訓練課程 (Q4 2024)!為擴大來自不同背景的 8-12 歲的球員人數,所有符合資格的球員均可參加並無須進行選拔。


日期: 2024年10月14日 - 12月30日,逢星期一和星期五 (每一季課程均須重新登記)

時間: 下午4:30 - 6:00





年齡: 8-12 歲的女孩(出生日期在 2012 年 1 月 1 日至 2016 年 12 月 31 日之間)

裝備: 需要佩戴牙膠和護脛。參加者需自備曲棍球棍。



截止日期: 請在 2024 年10月9日之前完成線上報名表及填妥免責聲明。

費用: 季度費用需繳付至匯豐銀行戶口658-117643-838(中國香港曲棍球總會),並上載轉帳證明至線上報名表。

注意: 未簽署免責聲明的球員將不允許參加訓練課程。


報名表 :


如有任何問題或需要進一步信息,請聯絡宗先生,電話:2782 4932。


我們期待歡迎您參加 HockeyHKWS U12訓練課程!

