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HKHAWS 14-15 Circular No.15 - Reminder on club participation in overseas events

To: Convenor of Affiliated Club (Women’s)

Cc: HKHAWS Committee members


Dear Convenor,


Please be reminded to seek approval under Section 18 of the General Bye-laws if you plan to send teams overseas for tournaments such as Bangkok.  




18.1   Affiliated Clubs wishing to participate in hockey tournaments or events overseas or to undertake hockey tours outside Hong Kong shall seek and obtain the prior endorsement of the HKHAWS by submitting a request for such endorsement in writing to the Honorary Secretary of the HKHAWS not less than one (1) month before the date of departure of the team or the main contingent of the team.


18.2   Upon returning to Hong Kong, the affiliated Club must inform the HKHAWS not later than two (2) weeks from the date of return, the results of the matches played and any disciplinary matters that may have arisen whilst overseas.


18.3   A penalty may be levied by the HKHAWS for any contravention of this Bye-law.


Thank you for your attention.


Best regards,


Kay Bayliss


HKHA – Women’s Section