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Mini & Junior Hockey Promotion Scheme 2014-2015

The Mini & Junior Hockey Promotion Scheme 2014/2015 is now open enrollment.  There are 5 phases in the scheme. Students can start by participate in our Sports For All Day (21/7/2014) - a one day free trail which allows students to enjoy the fun of playing hockey. Afterwards studetns will take part in the training courses which covers different hockey skills for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels for students.  After that students will take challenge of a 6-a-side tournament.  Capacity is limited so act now.  Attached herewith the course schedule and application form.


Application Form (English Version)


Phase 1 - 1A & 1B 1A & 1B Beginner Course - FULL

Phase 2 - 2A & 2B2A Intermediate Course - FULL

Phase 3 - 3A & 3B