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Boys’ Youth Tournament 2013-2014

We have pleasure in confirming that the Boys’ Youth Tournament 2013-2014 will be held on 31st May (Sat) from12:30pm - 6:00pm at King’s Park Hockey Ground this year. All youth clubs are warmly welcome to take part in the event. 

If your teams are interested in joining the Boys’ Youth Tournament 2013-2014, please complete the attached Registration Form and Team List, and email it to You could also fax your application to HKHA – 23840535.  

You could also post the completed registration form and return it with a cheque payable to "Hong Kong Hockey Association - P & D Section" to address " Hong Kong Hockey Association (Attention: Mr. Peter CHEUNG), 1/F, Administration Block, King's Park Hockey Ground, 6 Wylie Road, Kowloon".