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HKHA Coaching and Umpiring Course 2016

We are pleased to inform you that the Hong Kong Hockey Association will be running a coaching course for coaches and umpires at the end of May 2016. Please click the following.

Coaching Course Registration

Umpiring Course Registration

Guest coaches:

Trid Woodhouse - Australian International and currently assisting with coaching the Singapore National Team

Murray Grime – Australian International Umpire (World Panal) and Umpire Coach, Umpired at Olympics and World Cup

The session times will be as follows:

27th May 2016


18:00 – 22:00

28th May 2016


14:00 – 18:00

29th May 2016


09:00 – 14:00

There will be theoretical sessions indoors and practical sessions on the HKFC pitch – timings will be adjusted to suit the weather on the actual days

The course is open to 20 person per course i.e. up to 20 coaches and 20 umpires.

We will be giving priority to our senior coaches (i.e. Premier League) and senior umpires, but trust there will be enough places for those interested to participate.

We will be charging HK$500 for each participant as the majority of the cost will be underwritten by the HKHA.

We would request you to nominate participants from your Club that you wish to enrol on the course by May 20th so that we can determine the interest and allocate the places on the courses.

The Hong Kong Hockey Association