HKHAMS 20-21 Circular No. 20 - Open Trials for Men's U21 Junior squad
Attachment: National Squad Selection Criteria and Appeal Mechanism (22 Jan 2013)
To: Affiliated Club Convenors (Men’s, Youth’s and School’s)
Cc: HKHA Council Members
Men’s Section Members
Dear Convenors,
The Men's Section will conduct an open trial for selecting young players with good potential to train for the U-21 squad (Born on 1/1/2002 or after) to participate at the upcoming tournaments.
Details of the trials are:
Dates: 11 & 15 June 2021
Time: 6:00p.m.–7:30pm
Venue: King's Park Hockey Ground
Players need to bring their HKID cards and passports (copies accepted) and arrive at least 15 minutes before start time in order to complete registration.
According to the AHF (Asia Hockey Federation), players representing Hong Kong will need to hold an HKSAR passport. In case a player passing the trials is eligible to apply for the HKSAR passport but has not done so, he will be accepted into the squad training on the condition that he will apply for this document as soon as possible.
The eligibility requirement for the application for the HKSAR passport can be found at:
For administrative purposes, please provide us with the following personal details by return email (preferably before 10 Jun 2021) to if you are minded to attend these training sessions.
Full Name:
Date of Birth:
HK Passport number and expiry date:
Email address:
Mobile telephone number:
The above personal data is collected purely for the purposes of facilitating visa applications and contacting you, should you be selected for the junior squad.
Should you have any queries, please contact us at 2782 4932.
Tony NG
Hon. Secretary