HKHA P&D Section 21-22 Circular No. 5 - Boy's & Girl's Youth League 2021-2022
To: Convenors of Affiliated Clubs (Youth & Mini)
CC: HKHA Council Members
HKHA Section Committee Members
12 October 2021
Dear Convenor,
P&D Section will organize the Mixed Boy’s & Girl’s Youth League (5-a-side) starting from 20 November 2021 to March 2022. The League would be divided into group stage and divisions, subject to no. of teams submitted.
If your club is interested in joining the League, please complete the Club Registration: ( with Entry Fee: $900 per team (It should be made cheque payable to "The Hong Kong Hockey Association") and submit to the HKHA on or before 17:00 on Friday 27th October 2021. New Player Registration ( / Player Re-registration with declaration must also be submitted on or before 17:00 on Friday 10th November 2021.
Individual Player Declarations
Due to the Covid-19 situation, HKHA requires all players to complete a declaration form (Google Form) to confirm their consent for Participation in Hockey under Covid-19 Restriction. The submission of the completed Google Forms is MANDATORY for the player registration in 2021-22 season. We have created a dedicated Google Forms for each club (see separate PDF file and also refer to the Resources link below) so that you can copy and paste the link for sending to players and their parents.
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact Jacky So at 2782-4932.
Best Regards,
Promotion & Development Section
The Hong Kong Hockey Association