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HKHA P&D Section 21-22 Circular No. 6 - HKHA Indoor Hockey Programme (Dec & Jan)

To: Convenors of Affiliated Clubs (Men’s, Women’s & Youth)


CC:  HKHA Council Members

         HKHA Section Committee Members

 24 November 2021

Dear Convenors,


The Hong Kong Hockey Association is pleased to announce the launch of its introductory indoor hockey programme with a beginner course in December and intermediate course in January.


We encourage anyone interested in discovering indoor hockey to give it go, whether or not you are new to hockey generally or an experienced outdoor hockey player!


This video shows more information about indoor hockey:


For details of the course please refer to the attached application form.


Thank you.


Best Regards,


Promotion & Development Section

The Hong Kong Hockey Association



Indoor Adult Course 2021-2022 application form