HKHA P&D Section 21-22 Circular No. 8 - Olympic Day 2022 - Hockey Stick Design Competition
Attachment: Hockey Stick Design Competition
To: Convenor of Affiliated Club (MS, WS, P&D)
Registered Umpires and Coaches
Participants of Hockey Courses
C.c. HKHA Council Members
HKHA Section's Committee Members
Dear all,
To celebrate the Olympic Day 2022, the Hong Kong Hockey Association is organizing a “Hockey Stick Design Competition” - Design a stick to win a stick!
There will be three winners from each category, and the winners will be rewarded with gifts such as hockey sticks and/or accessories from Axis.
Kindergarten , Primary 1-3, Primary 4-6, Secondary and Open
"Together, for a better world".
For the first 20 eligible entries, they will get a free hockey stick keychain!
To join the competition, the design template is attached in this email, or you can download it here:
And then submit your final design here:
**Application period: 30 May 2022 - 20 June 2022
**Announcement of Winners: 23 June 2022
Let’s celebrate #OlympicDay !
Promotion & Development Section
The Hong Kong Hockey Association