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HockeyHK 24-25 Circular no. 4 - Arrangement of SSSC Matches in Men's League 2024-2025

Dear Convenors, Umpires, and Coaches,

You may recall that the Council in 2023 granted permission for Singh Sabha Sports Club (SSSC) to return to the league after their suspension in 2021 due to a serious incident.  One of the conditions for SSSC participating in competitions is that all their matches will be recorded on video, which is a means of deterrent of misconduct for all teams and evidence in case of any incident.

We came to understand that some SSSC matches this season were not videoed due to omissions of the Hockey Hong Kong, and this had caused upsets to some clubs.  The administration of video recording work has now been tightened up.

The Council fully understands clubs’ wishes to play our beloved game of hockey in a fair, competitive, enjoyable and safe environment.  Therefore, the Council has resolved that with immediate effect, unless video recording is available, SSSC matches would not proceed and be rescheduled without penalty to any team.  Match officials and team captains are recommended to check on the arrival of video helper on the pitch before commencing matches.

Last but not least, I wish everyone a happy new year and an exciting year of hockey.


Ernest LI
Hon Secretary General