Reference Circular: HKHAMS 13-14 - Men's League 2014-2015 Club Registration and Player Registration
Winter League 2014 - 2015 Notice - Team Entries Player Registration
Form A - Club Registration Form(2 pages) 14-15
Form B - Player Registration Form 14-15
Form C-Player Re-registration Table 14-15
HKHA Code of Conduct (27 June 2014)
MS Bye-laws on Advertising on Uniforms
Uniform Advertising_rev01
Player protrait Photo sample
Convenor Logon Instructions
Dear Club Convenors,
Thanks for your support to the Men's Section in the HKHA 2013 - 2014 Men's League.
Winter League 2014-2015 is expected to kick-start in the second week of September. Please submit all the necessary information before the deadline as Men's Section may not be able to process any late submission of requests for club/team/player registration.
Attach herewith is the Club Registration Form for the season 2014-2015 for your completion. There are 2 spreadsheets in a file, please fill in the 2 pages and submitted to the Association together with the Affiliation fee and team annual administration fee on or before 25th July, 2014 (no later than 5:00 pm)
We have also attached the Player Registration Notice including Player Registration Form and Player Re-Registration Form for your completion. Forms and documents have to be submitted to the HKHA office and apply in the online registration system on or before 15th August, 2014 (no later than 5:00 pm). You are required to read the notice for any player registration and re-registration issue for the online registration system for the season start period.
All new players have to submit a clear personal portrait in digital form (please see attached sample and the registration notice for the detail specification) together with their registration forms. Men's Section will only process the player registrations request after we received all the required documents and personal portrait. Appreciate your support and understanding.
Should your club have secured sponsorship and prepared to change the design of your playing kit, please submit the design indicating the size and placement of sponsor logos which should comply with the requirement of the MS Competition Bye-laws for the approval ASAP. Please note that the written approval of the HKHAMS is required before a club can accept any sponsorship.
Should there be any queries, please feel free to contact us at 2782 4932.
Tony Ng
Hon. Secretary