HKHA P&D Section 14-15 Circular no. 12 – Youth Cup 2014-2015
To: All Convenors of Youth Clubs
CC: HKHA P&D Committee Members
Dear all Youth Club Convenors,
We have pleasure in confirming that the Youth Cup 2014-2015 will be held in mid-May this year. All league teams are automatically entered into the Youth Cup. However, if your team(s) wish to withdraw, please notify us by 12noon, 17th April (Fri). Otherwise, it is presumed that your team(s) will be taking part in this event. The Tournament draw has been held by committee on March 31st (Tuesday) to determine the fixtures. Please see the attachments for the results of the tournament draw. Please note that the Committee may need to do a re-draw or even to change the competition format if there are applications of withdraw.
Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact me at 2782-4932.
Please kindly acknowledge receipt of this email.
Best Regards,
HKHA – Promotion & Development Section