HKHAWS 15-16 Circular No. 28 - Photo for player team sheet
To: Convenor of affiliated clubs (Women’s)
Cc: HKHAWS Committee
Dear Convenor,
The committee are looking forward to next season and would like to introduce player team sheets that include a photograph of each player. To facilitate this please ensure each player has a passport photo uploaded onto the system. This would need to be completed by the deadline for player registrations in August.
Photo criteria
1. Passport photo size, e.g. 40mm (width) x 50mm (height)
2. In colour with WHITE background, with shoulder shown
3. In JPEG format with resolution of 300dpi or above
4. File size should not exceed 250KB
Guideline with graphic attached below for your reference:
Thanks and regards,
Rhona Barr
HKHA – Women’s Section