HKHAWS 15-16 Circular No. 30 - HKHAWS committee for next season
To: Convenor of Affiliated Clubs (Women’s)
Cc: HKHAWS Committee
Dear Convenor,
Thank you to the people who have put themselves forward to join or continue on the committee for next season. There are a few vacancies left, listed below, that we need to fill. Nominations for these posts will only be accepted from the floor at the AGM on Monday. No other nominations will be accepted before then. I've included a brief job description of the vacant posts but please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any more questions. We are looking for people dedicated to improving hockey in Hong Kong.
Honorary Secretary: record the minutes of our meetings (high attendance at meetings are a must), furnish clubs with copies of bye-laws and circulars as required.
Liaison officer: to liaise with the coach and manager of the National squads and report back to the committee, assist in coordinating overseas visits, trials and teams visiting Hong Kong
Social Media: to maintain the HKHAWS social media pages, coordinate with administrative staff to keep our website up to date.
General committee member: duties will vary depending on the needs of the current committee.
Kind regards,
Rhona Barr
HKHA – Women’s Section