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HKHAMS 16-17 Ciruclar no. 22 - Electronic match card - mandatory requirement

Attachment: Electronic Match Card Guidelines

Dear Convenors and Team Representatives,

Happy New Year!

Trusted you have all tried the E-match card by now.

Despite some minor problems due to lack of awareness of their responsibilities among some captains and umpires, the implementation has been smooth.

To move forward, Men’s Section will make it a MANDATORY requirement for all team captains to SUMBIT their E-match cards after the completion of the leagues matches from January 8, 2017 (Sunday) onwards. Any failure to comply with the requirement will results in the PENALITIES for LATE SUBMISSION of match cards and/or incomplete information on match cards (both are responsibilities of the team captains.)

Please find below a few important reminders and checkpoints:

1.      All team captains have to SUMBIT the E-match card with completed information on the player list and UMPIRE numbers before the START of the match. The umpires CANNOT start the match until they can login to see the respective E-match cards. Any delay in the start of the match due to late submission of match card will results in SHORTENING of the match time to ensure the captioned match will be completed on time (10 minutes before the scheduled start time of next match).  

2.      All umpires MUST input the penalty cards and scores RIGHT AFTER the completion of the matches. The second umpire has to submit the match card even they do not give out any penalty cards (the scores are input by the first umpire only). Team captains CANNOT input the scorers and SUBMIT the match card to complete the process until the umpires SUBMITTED the match cards. The captains are responsible to ensure the umpires SUMBIT the match card BEFORE they left the pitch or engage in the next match. Should the captains FAILED to SUBMIT the match card before 11:00 pm on the match day, the team will be FINED for LATE SUMBISSION of match cards.

3.      Both team captains HAVE TO SUBMIT the match card even if their players do not score any goals.

      4.   If the club umpires fail to submit the match card after the completion of match, the respective club will be fined.  All club convenors must inform their club umpire on this requirement.

5.      Should there be any technical problem with the E-match card, team captains and umpires MUST complete the paper match card and send to HKHA as per the usual requirement.  

We hereby urge you to communicate the following message again to the team captains or whoever will input the e-match card and the club umpires.

Team captains are required to log on to their team page at the HKHA website ( and follow the operating procedures (see attached) to complete the e-match card as required.  

The default logon for team captain is currently set as follows:
Username:       e.g. Men’s League 144U Aà  ms 144u a (not case-sensitive)
Password:      first 4 Characters of ID numbers + TEAM REP.’S LAST NAME  e.g. Y123CHAN (All Capitals letters)

Team Representatives should share their login and password with other players in their team in case they cannot attend the match.

BOTH TEAM CAPTAINS should  input their players’ information in advance and SAVE the match card. The e-match card of your next match is already available at the team page.

The HOME TEAM CAPTAIN have to input the umpire numbers after confirming their information when they arrive the pitch and SAVE. BOTH CAPTAINS have to SUBMIT the match card before the start of the match.

Umpires have been told not to start the match until both teams SUBMIT their match card such that the umpires can log on to their umpire page at the HKHA website (see below for the umpires logon) to check match card.

This is important as teams are NOT ALLOWED to change any player information after submitting the match card.

Any players who are not on the e-match card are not allowed to play for the match.

Should there be any delay in the start of the match due to the late completion or submission of the e-match card, the umpires have to SHORTEN the match time to ensure the subject match will be completed 10 minutes before the start time of next match.

Team captains should call Richard Mak, the chairman of Men's Section, at his mobile number (9363-5212) if they encounter any problem with the e-match card during the weekend.

All team captains/representatives should try to login their team page before the weekend and change their password if needed.

All conveners MUST inform their club umpires on this new arrangement. All umpires should arrive the pitch at least 10 MINUTES before the start time of the match. Otherwise, the team captains would not have enough time

Captains should put in the remarks box in case the umpires arrive late.

In case of no-show of the club umpires, please input the umpire number of any stand-in umpires (qualified umpires that are available at the pitch) and make remark of the no show information. In case either or both teams have to provide their own umpires, the captains DO NOT need to input umpire numbers and just SUBMIT the match card with the remarks in the e-match cards. 

After the match completed, BOTH UMPIRES MUST login to their umpire page to input the penalty cards, if any. The UMPIRE 1 of the match also have to input the scores after the penalty cards.

BOTH UMPIRES MUST SUBMIT the match card BEFORE they leave the pitch or start playing for next match.  It is IMPORTANT that umpires have to follow this requirement as team captains CANNOT input the scorers and SUBMIT their match cards finally. 

The default logon for UMPIRES are currently set as follows:

Username: umpire number + Last name (non-case sensitive) e.g. 2048mak
Password: Last name (only first character is upper case, the rest is lower case) + umpire number. e.g. Mak2048

Umpires can change their password at the first logon. They should contact Richard Mak at 9363 5212 should they have any problem in their login. 

We count on the support of all of you to make this initiative successful. Thank you for your attention.

Tony Ng
Hon. Secretary