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HKHAUS 17-18 Circular No. 3 - Umpire Login on E-match card

To:    All Umpires

cc:     Convenors of Affiliated Club’s (Men’s, Women’s and Youth)

          HKHA Council Members

          HKHA Section Committee Members


Dear Umpires,

WS and MS implemented E-match card to all division teams this season.  By now, all active registered umpires can operate the e-match card online.

All clubs captains have to SUBMIT the e-match cards before the start of the match so that the umpires can login to see the match card on their umpire page. Should there be any undue delay in the submission by the captains, the umpires should NOT start the match unless he can see the match card. The match time should then be shortened to ensure the match can be completed 10 minutes before the start time of next match to avoid any delay.

On the other hand, should the delay in submission due to the late arrival of the umpires (preferably 15 minutes before the scheduled start time to allow time for the captains to input the umpire numbers before submission), the captains will be told to make remarks on the match card for our further actions (MS/WS will fine the respective club providing the club umpires). Captains will be told to SUBMIT the match card without the umpire numbers and names should the umpires fail to show up at the scheduled start time of the match. No changes in the umpire information can be made by the captains once the match cards are submitted. MS and WS will take action on the no-show of club umpires. 

At the pitch, you will be required to log on to the system and complete the match card procedures as required. 

Please kindly read the E-match card guidelines: Card/Electronic Match Card Guidelines 2017_0814.pdf

The default umpire login is currently set as follows:

Username:       4xxxChan      (New umpire number + Last Name, first letter is capital letter)

Password:       Chanxxxx      (Last Name + Old umpire number, first letter is capital letter)

At the same time, when you login the HKHA website ( as an umpire, you will be able to update your contact information, bank account and other information if necessary.  This would facilitate our communication with you and also the payment of umpire fees.  So please take a few minutes to check if the information pertaining to your record is correct. 

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us as soon as possible. 

Thank you for your attention.

Kind Regards,

 Marco YEUNG

Hon. Secretary, HKHAUS